Personal Development

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Mary Astell Academy believes that the teaching of Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) allows for knowledge, understanding and emotions to be better understood and in turn enables pupils to play a more positive and active role in society. Pupils are encouraged to have confidence in their own thoughts and believe that they can achieve great things if they put their minds to it. By developing and strengthening resilience and self-discipline, they can become more productive and prosperous contributors to their local community, and the wider world.

Imparting the knowledge and the skills to stay safe and healthy in today’s rapidly changing world is at the core of our Personal Development lessons. This is of highest priority and all pupils are taught how to make informed decisions, particularly when consequences will impact upon themselves and those around them. PSHE is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage and thrive in their lives, as individuals, family members and members of society, now and into the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. Prosper Learning Trust’s aim is to ensure PSHE education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with knowledge and skills they will need throughout later life.

A broad range of age appropriate topics are covered in Personal Development lessons at Mary Astell Academy. From making responsible decisions about healthy consumption to succeeding in their first job, the curriculum seeks to help our pupils to manage their current and future opportunities, with all the challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.

Topics such as; Living in the wider world; Health & wellbeing and Relationships & Sexual Education are taught to our pupils at the appropriate time in their academic journey.

The programme followed by our pupils is linked with the PSHE Association to ensure all elements of the subject are covered effectively, whilst recognising the risks and issues that our pupils experience today and focussing upon ways they can minimise potential harms. By extension, our subject focus is guided by the PSHE Association framework, created alongside and encompassing appropriate elements of the National Curriculum.

Mary Astell seeks to contribute to the creation of happy and successful young people who are prepared for adult life. When they leave our academy, we hope they are informed enough to make sound and rational decisions about how best to seize the opportunities they will encounter. With our dedicated teachers and support staff, our learners are prepared for personal success in an often challenging and changing world.


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