Overview of Mary Astell Academy's Rewards System

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7th Feb 2023

Mary Astell Academy's motto of motivate, aspire and achieve is core to the general ethos of the school and our behaviour system. We are proud of the way we use positive reinforcement to achieve the best behaviour our pupils are capable of.

Some rewards are simpler that others such as an unscheduled phone call home for good behaviour and praise within class but it is core to the policy. At Mary Astell we have an overall star of the week agreed upon by all staff and stars of the week for individual subjects. The star of the week and subject star are put on the TV in the dining room and postcards are sent home to the pupil’s parents or caregivers. Pupils are delighted to see their names on the TV and bring postcards home with them for their good behaviour.

At the end of each term we like to give our pupils the chance to participate on a rewards trip. The pupils who are able to go on this trip are those who have 80% or more points on class charts and good attendance. Class charts is an online behaviour record where we track pupils behaviour at the end of each day, giving them positives and negatives depending on how they have behaved throughout the day. Class charts is a tool to record positive and negative behaviours pupils show and is simply an extension of Mart Astell’s behaviour policy based on the ‘Pivotal’ system. The main category we use on class charts are ‘class expectations’ this consists of 4 different positives “completed work set” “punctual to lesson” “remaining in class” and “respectful” but there are also rewards given for going above and beyond.